Monday 27 September 2010

Carl Barat: The Comeback

There’s no doubt Carl Barat has been though some tough times over the years, however it seems now he’s finally sorting things out. What with his successful reunion over the summer with The Libertines, A new solo album and his memoirs coming out, it seems 2010 could just be his year…

Yes Carl is firmly back on top. Not only is his musical career going well. But also his personal life- he has a baby on the way with girlfriend Edie Langley.

This personal happiness seems to be affecting his music- with early reviews of his album describing it as a ‘cuddlier’ and ‘happier’ version of The Libertines. However, things were not always so good for Carl; he spoke to The Guardian about his past paranoia saying:

"I took on too much of what crazy kids on the street thought of me. I felt depressed for so long, my life became this fug of other people's opinions. It came to the point where I'd spent a year in a room with the curtains shut 'partying' [drugs]. Then I found a bit of light and love [with Edie] and every- thing had to change. In order for that to happen, I needed catharsis and whatnot."

He also described how he tried to make his autobiography, ‘Threepenny Memoir’ a good read saying:

"I kept trying to write the perfect paragraph, but that was like reading Tennyson when you're 12. It makes sense, but really there are just far too many big words."

Groupies, drugs and alcohol-fueled antics also feature in the book, but he admits the hardest thing to write about with his relationship with Pete [Doherty], confessing:

"His reputation precedes him, and I wanted to write without slinging mud. Obviously things he did really hurt me and if I felt bitter about something it was hard to write objectively. I'm very scared that he's going to misread it."

It matters to him even more now what Pete thinks, considering their hugely successful reunion over the summer at Reading Festival. Talking about the reunion, he said:

"When we got together it was as if not a day had passed. We've both been nervous about seeing each other, though we wouldn't admit it. You know how when someone dies, part of the mourning is mourning the version of you that only they know? Well, that version of myself with Pete was rekindled. I've realised that unconditional love has to be unconditional. So I told Pete on the first day of rehearsal, 'I love you for who you are.' That meant a lot to him."

Carl’s debut album is out on October 4th.

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